FB 6 Mathematik/Informatik/Physik

Institut für Mathematik

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Letztes Semester

Boy Meets Girl - Deconstructing Myths about Intimate Relationships




This course is concerned with how people relate to each other in what we can broadly call “intimate relationships”, by investigating different modes of relating (emotionally, romantically, sexually etc.) and by trying to deconstruct the connected stereotypes and typical beliefs surrounding them. It is about questioning hetero- and mononormative structures, how they influence and shape interpersonal relationships and what we should keep in mind when doing research in this domain.
This is a discussion based seminar. There will be weekly reading assignments that are the necessary background to follow and contribute to the discussions during our sessions. The reading will include philosophical but also psychological and partially sociological approaches to the topics at hand.

Keywords: Hetero-, Mono- & Amatonormativity; Love; Friendship; Jealousy and Compersion; Non-Monogamy; Sexuality; Queer.

This course is open for Bachelor (Philosophy Module) and Master students (Interdisciplinary Module). There are no formal prerequisites, however, I strongly recommend some background in reading philosophical and psychological papers (e.g. having done Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive-Neuro-Psychology, or other basic courses in those fields).

You are required to read the literature and formulate critical comments on the texts in the forum. Each session will be led by an expert group, who will pick up and expand on the questions and comments posted in the forum, and moderate the in class discussion to which everyone contributes actively. A short essay is due at the end of term.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me: lzoerlein@uos.de
Looking forward to seeing you in my course!

Weitere Angaben

Ort: 69/E15: Mittwoch, 10.01.2024 14:00 - 16:00, 11/215: Montag, 26.02.2024 - Freitag, 01.03.2024 10:00 - 16:00
Zeiten: Termine am Mittwoch, 10.01.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Montag, 26.02.2024 - Freitag, 01.03.2024 10:00 - 16:00, Ort: 69/E15, 11/215
Erster Termin: Mittwoch, 10.01.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Ort: 69/E15
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)


  • Cognitive Science > Bachelor-Programm
  • Cognitive Science > Master-Programm
  • Human Sciences (e.g. Cognitive Science, Psychology)