FB 6 Mathematik/Informatik/Physik

Institut für Mathematik

Navigation und Suche der Universität Osnabrück



Forum of Perspectives: Reflections on Societal Harmony, Racism, and Power through a Global and German Lens



This seminar is crafted to offer international students a profound exploration of societal harmony, culture, identity, and the intricate dynamics of power on a global scale. Providing a unique opportunity for rigorous intellectual discussions and self-exploration within a diverse and supportive academic community, the course aims to tackle complex topics on societal harmony and foster inclusive dialogues.
In addition to the global perspective, this seminar places an additional focus on Germany, offering participants an in-depth exploration of the country's involvement in these crucial topics. By delving into Germany's societal discourses, international students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how these issues manifest in a specific national context. This dual perspective aims to enrich the overall learning experience, allowing the international participants to connect global theories with localized practices and historical narratives.

Course Highlights:
● Critical Reflection: Challenge preconceived notions and biases through guided reflection, examining the complex interplay of identity, culture, and power.
● Cultural Exploration: Delve into an in-depth examination of various cultures, including your own, within a structured and academically rigorous environment.
● Shared Dialogues: Engage in thought-provoking group discussions, where your voice and perspective matter in fostering a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Key Topics:
● Challenging Single Stories and Combatting Racism:
Explore the profound impact of stereotypes and the risks associated with embracing a singular narrative. Delve into how such narratives influence our perceptions of individuals and cultures, fostering a critical mindset to dismantle prejudiced beliefs.
● Cultural Awareness and Empathy:
Foster cross-cultural awareness and empathy, acquiring essential skills to navigate a diverse and interconnected world. Embrace a nuanced understanding of cultural differences, emphasizing the importance of empathy in building meaningful connections.
● Personal Agency in Societal Power Structures:
Engage in guided self-reflection to assess your role within societal power structures. Consider strategies for actively contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society, empowering yourself to effect positive change.
● Germany and Societal Dynamics:
Explore Germany's societal dynamics from a diverse and racially sensitive perspective. Uncover historical narratives, societal discourses, and contemporary challenges, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the complexities within the German context.
● Refugee Migration from a Gendered Perspective:
Examine refugee migration through a gendered lens, shedding light on the unique challenges faced by individuals based on their gender. Understand the intersectionality of migration experiences and contribute to discussions on creating inclusive solutions.
Course Format:
This immersive seminar spans four and half days of reflection, discussion, and shared learning. Through a combination of structured group interactions, guided activities, and group reflection, you will emerge with enhanced cultural awareness and a sharpened critical lens.
Passing requirements for 4 ECTS are regular attendance, active participation, group works, self-study, a reflection and a presentation. An extra task in form of an essay can be submitted for 6 ECTS.
Who Should Attend:
This seminar is designed for international students at UOS from diverse backgrounds who are committed to enriching their understanding of cultural identities, challenging stereotypes, and engaging in scholarly conversations about power dynamics and inclusivity. No prior knowledge on these topics is necessary; instead, we aim to create a welcoming and inclusive learning space where everyone can contribute their unique perspectives and experiences. The seminar encourages an open and collaborative environment, fostering a mutual exchange of ideas and insights. Participants are invited to bring their curiosity and a willingness to explore, ensuring that this learning journey is accessible and beneficial to all.

Weitere Angaben

Ort: 15/130
Zeiten: Termine am Freitag, 19.04.2024 - Samstag, 20.04.2024 11:00 - 17:00, Freitag, 03.05.2024 12:00 - 18:00, Samstag, 04.05.2024 10:00 - 16:00, Freitag, 10.05.2024 14:00 - 18:00
Erster Termin: Freitag, 19.04.2024 11:00 - 17:00, Ort: 15/130
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)


  • Für alle Studierenden > Veranstaltungen des International Office
  • Biology/Chemistry
  • Business Administration and Economics
  • Cultural Studies and Social Sciences (e.g. European Studies, International Relations)
  • Educational and Cultural Studies
  • Human Sciences (e.g. Cognitive Science, Psychology)
  • Language and Literary Studies
  • Law
  • Mathematics/Computer Science
  • Physics

Past and Forthcoming Events


  • Asymptotics of a time-bounded cylinder model, with N. Aschenbruck and S. Bussmann, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0269964822000420
  • The method of cumulants for the normal approximation, with S. Jansen and K. Schubert, Probability Surveys 2022, Vol. 19, 185-270, https://doi.org/10.1214/22-PS7
  • Sedentary Random Waypoint, with C. Betken, arXiv:2009.02941
  • The Impact of Bit Errors on Intra-Session Network Coding with Heterogeneous Packet Lengths, with B. Schütz, N. Aschenbruck, S. Bussmann and M. Juhnke-Kubitzke, Proc. of the 45th IEEE LCN Symposium on Emerging Topics in Networking LCN, virtually hosted in Sydney, Australia, Nov. 16–19, 2020.
  • Stationarity for the Small World in Motion Mobility Model, with Nils Aschenbruck, Christian Heiden und Matthias Schwamborn, MSWIM '19: Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Nov 25-29, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1145/3345768.3355935
  • Crossing Numbers and Stress of Random Graphs, with Markus Chimani and Matthias Reitzner, In Proceedings 26th International Symposium, GD 2018, Barcelona, Spain, 255--268, 2018 available here and for an extended journal version here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.07558
  • Fluctuations in a general preferential attachment model via Stein's method, with Carina Betken and Marcel Ortgiese, Random Structures & algorithms, vol.55, no.4, 2019 available here
  • Connection times in large ad-hoc mobile networks, Bernoulli, vol.22, no.4, 2143--2176, 2016 available here
    with Gabriel Faraud, Wolfgang König
  • The random disc thrower problem, Proceedings of the 90th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry, 59-78, 2013  available here with T. van der Aalst, D. Denteneer, M. Hong Duong, R. J. Kang, M. Keane, J. Kool, I. Kryven, T. Meyfroyt, T. Müller, G. Regts, J. Tomczyk
  • Edge fluctuations of eigenvalues of Wigner matrices, High Dimensional Probability VI: the Banff volume, Progress in Probability, vol.66, 261-275, Springer, Basel, 2013 available here
    with Peter Eichelsbacher
  • Moderate deviations for the determinant of Wigner matrices, Dedicated to Friedrich Götze on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Limit Theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol.42, 253-275, 2013, available here
    with Peter Eichelsbacher
  • Moderate deviations for the eigenvalue counting function of Wigner matrices, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 10 (1), 27-44, 2013, available here
    with Peter Eichelsbacher
  • Moderate deviations via cumulants, Journal of Theor. Probability, 2012, available here
    with Peter Eichelsbacher
  • Moments of recurrence times for Markov chains, Electronic Comm. Probab., 16(28), 296-303, 2011, available here
    with Frank Aurzada, Marcel Ortgiese, Michael Scheutzow
  • Moderate deviations in a random graph and for the spectrum of Bernoulli random matrices, Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 14, Paper no. 92, 2636-2656, 2009, available here
    with Peter Eichelsbacher
  • Perpendicular transport of charged particles in slab turbulence: recovery of diffusion for realistic wave-spectra?, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 35, 025202, 2008
    with Andreas Shalchi
  • Velocity correlation functions of charged test particles, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 34, 859, 2007
    with Andreas Shalchi